These cuvées are produced punctually, that mean we vinify them only when a grape variety is in perfect harmony with the vintage.
In fact, each variety grows in a different way and when some are sensitive to drought, others are more resistant to it. The same is true for humidity, wind, soil structure etc ...
Viranel being located in the Saint-Chinian appellation, it happens that, like Carignan and Mourvèdre, we provide certain vintages with the AOP as you can understand in more detail here.
On the other hand, other grape varieties such as Cabernet or Alicante which are not authorized in the decree of the appellation, we will therefore have to classify them as IGP (protected geographical indication) even if the quality of the work and the care that we bring to these vines are identical to the ones that benefiting of the AOP.
You can discover the different terroirs that allow us to differentiate our cuvées on this page entitled TERROIR.
The production of these cuvées, in limited quantities, is aroud 2,500 bottles.